Abstract Deadline
Mar. 31st Apr. 15th, 2024
Notification of Acceptance
Apr. 30th , 2024
Full Paper Submission Deadline
Jun. 30th Jul. 15th, 2024
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance
Jul. 31st , 2024
Conference Begin
November 10th
In the International Conference of Electrical Power Equipment - Switching Technology (ICEPE-ST), the following two awards, are established by the Wang Jimei Fund:
1. "Wang Jimei Best Paper Award"
Wang Jimei Best Paper Award is for the best paper of the last conference, and published in an international peer reviewed journal. The Award is presented to the authors of a paper and is to recognize the paper. The candidate papers has appeared in the last ICEPE-ST2022 conference proceedings and has been presented (orally or be poster) at that conference. Further, the proceeding paper is extended and published in a peer reviewed international journal.
The "Wang Jimei Best Paper Award" prize if RMB(CNY)20,000 to be shared among the authors and a certificate for each of them.
If you want to apply for the "Wang Jimei Best Paper" award, please submit your conference paper in ICEPE-ST2022 and extended journal paper to the Award Committee (icepe2024@mail.xjtu.edu.cn) before July 31st, 2024.
2. "Wang Jimei Best Young Investigator Award"
Wang Jimei Best Young Investigator Award is presented to to 3-5 first authors of a paper for the work and its presentation. Candidates must be the first author and belong to an educational organization , up to 35 years of age (male) or up to 40 years of age (female) at the opening date of the ICEPE-ST2024. The first author will identify themselves as candidate to the Local Organizing Committee at the moment of full paper submission.
All candidate authors will present in oral sessions; Session chairs will filter and at most 50% of the presenters can be recommended to the next round poster competition. Members of the International Scientific Committee interview the final awardees through Q&A. 3-5 candidates can be awarded "Wang Jimei Best Young Investigator Award". The others will receive the "Nomination Award" certificate .
The Wang Jimei Best Young Investigator Award prize is RMB (CNY) 5,000 and a certificate.